137 words
1 minutes
Logging kubernetes using loki
This article explains method of installing the helm chart loki-stack
in kubernetes cluster. Also, it describes how to configure loki-stack
with grafana dashboard to see loging from application that running in kubernetes cluster.
Packages & Tools
Environment variables
Install Loki Stack
Add helm repository and update charts.
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
Below command is used to download values.yaml and replace with environment variables.
curl -o values.raw.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/semusings/kubernetes-lab/main/logging-kubernetes-using-loki/values.yaml && \
envsubst < "values.raw.yaml" > "values.out.yaml" && rm -rf values.raw.yaml
Install loki-stack
helm upgrade --install --wait --timeout 600s loki grafana/loki-stack \
--version 2.6.5 \
--namespace monitoring --create-namespace \
-f values.out.yaml
Port Forwarding
Visit here for how to port forward to access grafana dashboard.
App Deployment
curl -o foo.raw.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/semusings/kubernetes-lab/main/logging-kubernetes-using-loki/deployment.yaml && \
envsubst < "foo.raw.yaml" > "foo.out.yaml" && rm -rf foo.raw.yaml && \
kubectl apply -f foo.out.yaml
Explore Log Output
Logging kubernetes using loki