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2 minutes
Highlight of Jdk 15 Features
Highlighting new features in Java 15 are sealed types, local types.
Sealed Types
Sealed classes and interfaces restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them.
- Allow the author of a class or interface to control which code is responsible for implementing it.
- Provide a more declarative way than access modifiers to restrict the use of a superclass. Example of sealed classes:
sealed abstract class Transaction permits DebitTransaction, CreditTransaction {
static final BigDecimal TEN = BigDecimal.valueOf(10);
static final BigDecimal NINETY = BigDecimal.valueOf(90);
static final BigDecimal HUNDRED = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);
static final BigDecimal THOUSANDS = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000);
static final BigDecimal ONE_THOUSANDS_ONE = BigDecimal.valueOf(1001);
protected final BigDecimal value;
Transaction(BigDecimal value) {
this.value = value;
abstract BigDecimal entry(BigDecimal amount);
final class CreditTransaction extends Transaction {
public CreditTransaction(BigDecimal baseAmount) {
public BigDecimal entry(BigDecimal amount) {
return this.value.add(amount);
final class DebitTransaction extends Transaction {
public DebitTransaction(BigDecimal baseAmount) {
public BigDecimal entry(BigDecimal amount) {
return this.value.subtract(amount);
Example of sealed interfaces:
sealed interface Shape permits Circle, Rectangle {
long area();
final class Circle implements Shape {
private final int radius;
Circle(int radius) {
this.radius = radius;
public long area() {
return Math.round(3.14 * radius * radius);
non-sealed class Rectangle implements Shape {
private final int length;
private final int width;
Rectangle(int length, int width) {
this.length = length;
this.width = width;
public long area() {
return length * width;
final class Square extends Rectangle {
Square(int side) {
super(side, side);
Local Types
Java 15 now allows us to create an enums, interfaces and records inside a local method. Example of local record:
public List<Customer> filterForGoldCustomer(List<Customer> customers) {
record GoldCustomer(Customer customer, List<Order> orders) {
boolean hasEnoughOrders() {
boolean hasMoreThanOrEqualToTwo = GoldCustomer.this.orders.size() >= 2;
Integer totalQuantity = GoldCustomer.this.orders.stream().map(Order::getQuantity).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
return hasMoreThanOrEqualToTwo && totalQuantity > 100;
return customers.stream()
.map(customer -> new GoldCustomer(customer, customer.getOrders()))
Example of local enums:
public List<Customer> filterActiveOrVipCustomer(List<Customer> customers) {
enum Status {
Active, Inactive, Suspended, Vip;
public static boolean isActiveOrVip(String status) {
return Objects.equals(status, Active.name()) || Objects.equals(status, Vip.name());
return customers.stream()
.filter(customer -> Status.isActiveOrVip(customer.getStatus()))
Example of local interfaces:
public List<Customer> filterInactiveCustomer(List<Customer> customers) {
interface InactiveCollector {
List<Customer> inactive(List<Customer> customers);
class CustomerInactiveCollector implements InactiveCollector {
public List<Customer> inactive(List<Customer> customers) {
return customers.stream().filter(customer -> Objects.equals(customer.getStatus(), "Inactive")).collect(Collectors.toList());
InactiveCollector inactiveCollector = new CustomerInactiveCollector();
return inactiveCollector.inactive(customers);
That’s all folks
Thanks for reading!
Highlight of Jdk 15 Features