394 words
2 minutes
Highlight of Jdk 15 Features


Highlighting new features in Java 15 are sealed types, local types.

Sealed Types#

Sealed classes and interfaces restrict which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them.


  • Allow the author of a class or interface to control which code is responsible for implementing it.
  • Provide a more declarative way than access modifiers to restrict the use of a superclass. Example of sealed classes:
sealed abstract class Transaction permits DebitTransaction, CreditTransaction {
    static final BigDecimal TEN = BigDecimal.valueOf(10);
    static final BigDecimal NINETY = BigDecimal.valueOf(90);
    static final BigDecimal HUNDRED = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);
    static final BigDecimal THOUSANDS = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000);
    static final BigDecimal ONE_THOUSANDS_ONE = BigDecimal.valueOf(1001);
    protected final BigDecimal value;

    Transaction(BigDecimal value) {
        this.value = value;

    abstract BigDecimal entry(BigDecimal amount);


final class CreditTransaction extends Transaction {

    public CreditTransaction(BigDecimal baseAmount) {

    public BigDecimal entry(BigDecimal amount) {
        return this.value.add(amount);


final class DebitTransaction extends Transaction {

    public DebitTransaction(BigDecimal baseAmount) {

    public BigDecimal entry(BigDecimal amount) {
        return this.value.subtract(amount);

Example of sealed interfaces:

sealed interface Shape permits Circle, Rectangle {
    long area();

final class Circle implements Shape {
    private final int radius;

    Circle(int radius) {
        this.radius = radius;

    public long area() {
        return Math.round(3.14 * radius * radius);

non-sealed class Rectangle implements Shape {
    private final int length;
    private final int width;

    Rectangle(int length, int width) {
        this.length = length;
        this.width = width;

    public long area() {
        return length * width;

final class Square extends Rectangle {
    Square(int side) {
        super(side, side);

Local Types#

Java 15 now allows us to create an enums, interfaces and records inside a local method. Example of local record:

    public List<Customer> filterForGoldCustomer(List<Customer> customers) {

        record GoldCustomer(Customer customer, List<Order> orders) {
            boolean hasEnoughOrders() {
                boolean hasMoreThanOrEqualToTwo = GoldCustomer.this.orders.size() >= 2;
                Integer totalQuantity = GoldCustomer.this.orders.stream().map(Order::getQuantity).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
                return hasMoreThanOrEqualToTwo && totalQuantity > 100;

        return customers.stream()
                .map(customer -> new GoldCustomer(customer, customer.getOrders()))

Example of local enums:

    public List<Customer> filterActiveOrVipCustomer(List<Customer> customers) {

        enum Status {
            Active, Inactive, Suspended, Vip;
            public static boolean isActiveOrVip(String status) {
                return Objects.equals(status, Active.name()) || Objects.equals(status, Vip.name());

        return customers.stream()
                .filter(customer -> Status.isActiveOrVip(customer.getStatus()))

Example of local interfaces:

    public List<Customer> filterInactiveCustomer(List<Customer> customers) {

        interface InactiveCollector {
            List<Customer> inactive(List<Customer> customers);

        class CustomerInactiveCollector implements InactiveCollector {
            public List<Customer> inactive(List<Customer> customers) {
                return customers.stream().filter(customer -> Objects.equals(customer.getStatus(), "Inactive")).collect(Collectors.toList());

        InactiveCollector inactiveCollector = new CustomerInactiveCollector();

        return inactiveCollector.inactive(customers);

That’s all folks#

Thanks for reading!


Highlight of Jdk 15 Features
Bhuwan Prasad Upadhyay
Published at