296 words
1 minutes
Find the vertical sum of binary tree
Given a Binary tree, how will you find the Vertical Sum of Binary Tree?
For example, for this Binary tree it has 5
vertical lines.
For line 3
the sum will be 5+7+8=20
- We need to check the horizontal distance (HD) from root for all nodes.
- HD for root is 0.
- For right child we will +1 (add 1) to HD
- For left child we will -1 (subtract 1) to HD
- We can easily maintain a hash map for horizontal distance corresponding to each vertical line.
- Then, we can traverse the Binary Tree and update our hash map.
Algorithm - To find the vertical sum of binary tree
class Algorithm {
* @param tree binary tree
* @param line vertical line number
* @return sum of those nodes falls under that vertical line
public int sumOfVerticalLine(BinaryTree tree, int line) {
Map<Integer, Integer> sums = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Queue<TraversalNode> nodes = new LinkedList<>();
nodes.add(new TraversalNode(tree.getRoot(), 0));
while (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
TraversalNode node = nodes.remove();
Integer value = (Integer) node.node.getValue();
sums.put(node.hd, sums.getOrDefault(node.hd, 0) + value);
if (node.node.getLeft() != null) {
nodes.add(new TraversalNode(node.node.getLeft(), node.hd - 1));
if (node.node.getRight() != null) {
nodes.add(new TraversalNode(node.node.getRight(), node.hd + 1));
List<Integer> hds = sums.keySet().stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
return sums.get(hds.get(line - 1));
public static class TraversalNode {
private Node node;
* horizontal distance of node
private int hd;
public TraversalNode(Node node, int hd) {
this.node = node;
this.hd = hd;
Test Scenario
public class AlgorithmTest {
public void canEvaluateVerticalSumOfBinaryTree1() {
BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree(new Node(5));
tree.insert(new Node(4));
tree.insert(new Node(9));
tree.insert(new Node(3));
tree.insert(new Node(7));
tree.insert(new Node(8));
tree.insert(new Node(6));
assertEquals(20, new Algorithm().sumOfVerticalLine(tree, 3));
public void canEvaluateVerticalSumOfBinaryTree2() {
BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree(new Node(1));
tree.insert(new Node(2));
tree.insert(new Node(3));
tree.insert(new Node(4));
tree.insert(new Node(5));
tree.insert(new Node(6));
tree.insert(new Node(7));
tree.insert(new Node(8));
tree.insert(new Node(9));
tree.insert(new Node(10));
assertEquals(21, new Algorithm().sumOfVerticalLine(tree, 3));
Find the vertical sum of binary tree